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Student Handbook


Student Handbook


Student Handbook

for the academic year 2018/2019








Speech by the President of FAMA College


Salal Ahmetxhekaj

President of FAMA College

Email: fama.salali@hotmail.com


FAMA College – Ideal and Realistic Opportunity to Study

FAMA College, as an institution of Higher Private Education, is engaged in the field of teaching and research. This College, throughout its activity, has a mission to contribute to the development of Higher Education – Qualitative University and Postgraduate Education that can advance the socio-economic and political development process in Kosovo.

Also, FAMA College has proven, and is demonstrating more and more every day that the goodwill of the private initiative can help to develop education and quality training of the staff from different fields. Realistically speaking, students who have graduated from Bachelor and Master’s studies in this College have easily attended the most prestigious universities abroad and have become part of many public and private institutions of the country, corroborating a high professional and moral culture. In addition to the offered physical and technological teaching conditions and professional staff, another particular advantage of this College is that the studies are carried out without censorship and interactively, where students prepare for ideas and the labor market. Fortunately, this College is one of the few institutions in the country and the region that has and is continuously striving to meet the needs of those segments of the labor market that are still deficient in Kosovo. Likewise, FAMA College has consistently maintained the pace of development by increasing its academic and administrative capacity; has signed cooperation agreements with well-known international colleges; has established scientific institutes; has supported distinguished students with scholarships; has supported the publication of many books, has organized scientific conferences on various topics; has invited many foreign and domestic personalities to give lectures, etc..

In this context, the FAMA College has given special attention to the practical training of students, since besides the theoretical component and knowledge provided, students have the opportunity to practice in public and private institutions: the Presidency, Prime Minister’s office, Ministries, Courts, Banking Institutions, businesses etc. In addition to these advantages and opportunities, FAMA has conducted various visits to countries around the world: the United States, Belgium, Italy, France, Germany, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia and other countries.

As this College is expanding its capabilities and capacities, it has opened three additional units in three other centers in Kosovo: Prizren, Mitrovica and Gjilan. These units function as part of the College, where students have the opportunity to study as close as possible to their place of residence or work. In the end I would like to underline that FAMA College is open to all those who deserve to be competitors in the market of ideas and labor because their preparation and training are guaranteed!


FAMA College welcomes you by putting in Your service all its mechanisms, so that You will become our passport tomorrow.




Congratulations and successes!








Structure of study programs


Study programs are modular, expressed through the accumulation of credits under the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

To obtain a university degree, 180 or 240 ECTS credits are required.

The basic module of the study is the semester course (an integral part of the study program), expressed in ECTS credits. The assigned number of credits is earned after the successful completion of the course.


Status (study mode)


Depending on the study regime, the student has the status of a full-time or part-time student.

Full-time students are expected to complete the first cycle of studies over a period of three years (180 ECTS) or four years (240 ECTS).

Full-time students must complete the first cycle of studies within the deadline set in the study program. If the student does not graduate in this term, then he / she gets the status of the Senior (student) and can continue to take the exam for the next two years.

Thereafter, the University has no obligation to offer the same curriculum but will transfer the student to a ready-made program. The student registers the remaining exams in accordance with this curriculum.

Transfer of students


After the first semester, but prior to enrolling the second semester of studies, students may be transferred from one department to another with the permission of the Dean of the respective department and authorized by the Department Evaluation and Transfer Committee, appointed by the receiving Department Council. Transferred students must meet the admissions requirements in the receiving department and graduate in the respective program.



Mobility is done in accordance with the Bologna principles and in accordance with the Law on Higher Education and the provisions of the regulations for studies. The mobility process is coordinated with the Dean, the Vice Rector and the relevant committee. Interested students must apply for at least one semester, in accordance with the mobility procedure.


Student’s presence in lectures


Each lecturer is obliged to keep track of the students’ attendance in lectures. Attendance forms will be given to students at the beginning of each lecture and the same should be submitted to the College’s administration and then the latter submit it at the quality assurance office.

The lecturer is obliged to have these forms with him during each lecture, as evidence of compliance with the regulation during the deanery monitoring.


Each student must attend at least 70% of the total number of course load (lectures and exercises) so that he can attend the exam. A student who does not meet this criterion will NOT have the right to take the exam and will have to retake the course again.


Grade for knowledge assessment


The student’s success is expressed with grades from 5 (five – fail) to 10 (ten – excellent knowledge withonly a few mistakes).


The final grade in the exam is based on the total number of points acquired by the student by fulfilling the obligations prior to the final examination and its passing, and according to the quality of the knowledge and skills acquired, and which contains a maximum of 100 points, and is assigned according to this scale:

Grade ECTS Grade Points Definition
10 A 91 – 100 % EXCELLENT – excellent knowledge only a few mistakes
9 B 81 – 90 % VERY GOOD – over the standard average, but with some mistakes
8 C 71 – 80 % GOOD –   the result is generally good with some mistakes that are noticed
7 D 61 – 70 % SATISFACTORY – good, but with quite a few mistakes
6 E 51 – 60 % PASS –   the results meet the minimum criteria
5 FX 40 – 50 % FAIL –   more work is required from the student to earn credits
5* F  — – – – – FAIL –   a lot of work is required to earn the credits


Grade transcript (of records)


Student grades are recorded by the Student Service in the transcript of records, which is provided by the service at the request of the student or the authorized person.



Course program (syllabus)


Teachers are required to notify students of the course syllabus at the beginning of the semester, where they are offered:a full description of the course, the learning outcomes and objectives , as well as the evaluation and assessment method.

The syllabus should also include a description of the activities that will take place during the lectures, including the dates when the colloquiums and final exams will be held. Approved syllabuses are provided in the electronic / printed form at the beginning of each semester.


Administering the final exam


The College has two regular terms for final exams, which are held after the end of the semester.

The duration of the exam term may not last more than one month.

For regular students who do not pass the exams on regular terms, the College organizes an additional term after the end of the summer semester for all the exams.

The requirement for entrance to the exam in the additional term is the registration of the exam.

Seniors have the right to submit to exams at all regular terms and additional terms.


Absence, tardiness and failing the exam


Whenever possible, teachers are first notified when a student is expected to be absent on an exam.

Any student who comes late in the final exam at the time the exam is still being conducted may be allowed to take the exam with the consent of the teacher.

Any student who takes an exam in a scheduled time after a regular term must be given a new test / exam in order for the content to change significantly from the previous exam. The student who is absent in the final exam and can not justify the absence, is put down as “did not come / absent” in the record of grades.

The grade for the course is in general determined by the teacher.


Change of grade


The student is entitled to seek grade improvement. This requirement can be made when the student thinks that there has been a mistake in the assessment, or during the writing of the grade, or because he has not been able to officially withdraw from the exam within the foreseen deadline.


The subject teacher has full responsibility for the marked grade. He / she must publicize the grades unofficially before recording them in order to give students an opportunity to clarifications / consultancy for recorded grades.


It is the responsibility of the student to contact the teacher to discuss the grade or to seek its change.

This should be done after the unofficial announcement of the grades but before the grades are officially recorded.


The student has the right to appeal the official decision of the teacher after the official registration of the grade. In this case, the student must make a Complaint – Change request for the grade to the Dean within three days after the grade is written in the grade record.

The student may request for a change of grade for technical reasons, within 36 hours from the moment of official publication of the exam results, or the formation of a commission on issues of objectivity or more complex issues. Relevant materials from the teacher or any other person such as the test, seminar paper, etc. should be available for review of the case.

In technical cases the Dean approves a final decision and informs the student. In other cases, the Dean appoints a commission. This commission consists of three members, two of whom are from the same or similar subject field. The teacher in question can not be chairman of this commission.

The Commission investigates the case and approves the decision. The written decision is given to the student. This decision is final. This appeal process must be completed within 10 days of the end of the exam session.

Grade Point Average


The method used to determine the average grade value is called the average grade (Grade Point Average). The average total score is a number ranging from 6 (six) to 10 (ten).

Academic progress


To pass in the next academic year students must meet the following conditions:

  • From the first (first) year of studies in the second year of studies, the student must have accumulated at least 36 credits during the studies in the respective academic year;
  • From the II (second) year of studies in the III (third) year of studies, the student must have accumulated at least 96 credits during the studies in the respective academic year;
  • From year III (third) of studies in IV (fourth) of studies, the student must have accumulated at least 156 credits during the studies in the respective academic year;

A student who fails to meet the abovementioned conditions can not continue his studies in the next academic year.

Students who do not meet the abovementioned conditions have the right to re-enroll in the same semester in the next academic year.

Re-registration is done according to the following procedure:

  • The semesters re-registration form that is provided by the Student Service is completed, whereas the same is submitted and then the semester / year is registered.

For students who have completed last year’s lectures but did not graduate on time, the same procedure for re-registering the academic year is applied.


Clinical teaching


FAMA College is obliged to realize 10% of compulsory subjects and 10% of elective subjects from all study programs for each year of study through clinical teaching.

The faculty’s scientific teaching council decides on the subjects in which the clinical teaching can be realized as an integral part of the course program.

Clinical teaching will be accomplished by prominent practice experts in the relevant field.

Practical teaching


Students are obliged to do a practical work with a fixed volume not shorter than 30 days. The Department, in cooperation with the Career Center and with the respective legal person, ensures the realization of practical teaching for the students.

During the practical teaching the student is under the supervision of the mentor from the academic staff of the respective faculty.



Library collection and reading room


To provide  as much practical and up-to-date services, currently the library possesses copies of books of different fields in Albanian, English, and other languages .  Electronic databases (access to electronic library)

  1. SAGE Journals;
  2. EBSCO;


Information Technology Services


Information technology plays a vital role in the formation of FAMA College.

Through a wide range of tools, services and resources provided, multiple opportunities for using contemporary technology are created for students.


Network account


Students are provided with network access through which access to the network and computer resources is enabled, including various electronic services.




Fees for studies


The administration office deals with issues of all study fees. Students pay compensation for studies in a fixed amount for the respective study program and for the relevant study year. Payments are determined on a monthly basis and students can anticipate eventual increase in study fees during the three or four years of study. The sums are set by the Senate and the candidates are informed about the price by the administrative services for student affairs.

Fees for studies can be paid in many ways.

Students may pay their fees for the entire academic year in advance when enrolled.

For students who pay in advance for the entire academic year, 10% discount from the annual fee is available.

Students can also pay for their studies fees in up to twelve installments.

Students who choose to pay the study in monthly installments must do it every month at latest by the 5th of the previous month.


Student benefits


The FAMA College within its mission, to students of various categories offers financial support during the studies in a variety of forms such as:

-High school graduates with excellent success benefit a 20% discount on the price of studies,

– Students with two or more members of a family receive a 10% discount on the price of studies,

– Students who are family members of war martyrs benefit a 20% discount on the price of studies,

– In agreement with war associations, the FAMA College annually provides free studies for at least 3 war-disabled students.

– to excellent students scholarships for each academic year are provided, etc.




Preserving the environment at College


The College is committed to preserving the environment, developing sustainable energy use, and promoting awareness about environmental issues.

Therefore, staff, students and visitors are expected to contribute to this dedication by reducing the use of energy to a minimum and respecting the campus environment.

It is strictly prohibited to dispose of waste on the surface of campus or university premises. All staff, students and visitors should use the installed capacity (baskets and containers) for this purpose.

Paper, plastic and cans are only thrown into special recyclable containers. It is forbidden to trample grass and damage trees or plants.

Damage to buildings (inside and outside) or any property of the College is prohibited.


Prohibition of smoking, alcohol and drugs


Smoking is prohibited in university buildings (enclosed space) throughout the campus, except in designated smoking areas outside any building where there is no security risk.

Alcohol consumption is not allowed in the campus premises, except in special events organized by the Rector’s Office and with the authorization of the Secretary-General.


Introducing FAMA College regulations


Regulations are posted on the College’s website as:

Statute, Rules of Studies, Exam Regulations, Rules on Disciplinary Procedures, Code of Ethics. etc..




Where you are name and not number!


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